Saturday, September 8, 2018

TIFF 2018: Out of Blue

Out of Blue stars Patricia Clarkson as Mike Hoolihan, a homicide detective in New Orleans, working to solve the murder of a professor at the local observatory. The synopsis I had read made it sound as if the professor's studies of black holes and cosmology would be integrated into the story, hinting at a mysterious ending, making me think that there might be some sort of metaphysical or parallel universe thing woven in. if that was the case, I missed it. Clarkson's performance as a reserved, maybe repressed Hollihan was strong, and there was some mystery about her past that got resolved at the end that was pivotal to the story, but over all the film did not really work well for me. I found it slow and long, and in the end it came up short of being really compelling for me.

This was my third film of the day, all by female directors with female protagonists. It had two interesting things in common with MOUTHPIECE. Both used the city it was set in almost as another character, and in the Q & S director Carol Morely spoke of how she wanted to avoid overplaying the typical New Orleans scenes and just let the city be portrayed in a more normal day-to-day way (though there was one scene with beignets that seemed to be putting it a bit in our face). Both films also included a line in which someone said something to the protagonist about "dressing like a woman", which seemed offensive each time.

Overall, an interesting film, bu not a great one, in my opinion.

TIFF 2018 Overview

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