Saturday, September 7, 2019

TIFF 2019: Dads

Our first film of the festival! Dads is a documentary by Bryce Dallas Howard (Ron Howard's daughter) celebrating fatherhood and examining how it has changed in recent years.

The film is a hodge-podge of awkward interviews with comedians (including Hasan Minaj, Jimmy Fallon, Will Smith, Neil Patrick Harris), all filmed standing up against a blank coloured background, mixed with scenes of fathers talking about their families and what fatherhood means to them. Howard also shows us her family: her famous dad, her grandfather (who talks a bit about supporting the young Ron Howard on the set of The Andy Griffith Show), and her brother, who is expecting a child with his wife while the film is being made.

It's a feel-good piece that shows us a bunch of father in different situations. They are all great dads in their own way, and it's nice, and I cried a little bit here and there, but overall it seemed to lack focus and was a bit disjointed. It was pretty good overall and we both enjoyed it, but we did not quite feel like joining in on the standing ovation it received (we attended the world premier).

We were in the front row, off to one side with a good view of the post-film Q&A

Director Howard appeared alone with the TIFF staffer on stage for the Q&A session after the film. We had hoped to see Ron Howard, but my guess is he chose to let her have the stage to herself for the world premier of her first film, rather than steal her lime lite.

TIFF 2019 Overview

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